
Yukiko OMURA

1998 コーセー美容専門学校入学
2000 卒業コンペティション 特別JTB賞受賞
2002 海外に興味を持ちカナダへ
Misako’s hair studioで勤務
2003 帰国後、横浜でスタイリストとして勤務
新横浜NEW SIDE BEACHにてヘアーショーに参加
2004 ヘアメイクに興味を持ち、アメリカへ留学
MUD make-up designory Los Angeles
2007 ドイツへ Hoshi Coupe Berlinで勤務
2008 帰国後、フリーランスになる
2012 オーストラリアパースにてフリーランス
2014 シンガポールで美容サロンに勤務
ヘアメイク担当 スチール撮影 Datsumo Labo (シンガポール)
2016 ベルギーへ移住
2017 7月 女優 中谷美紀様のネイルを担当(TV/雑誌の撮影協力)
2018 6月 プライベートパーティにてゲストのヘアセット、メイクを担当

Yukiko Profile

1998 Graduated from Kosé Beauty Academy
2000 Won JTB prize in graduation competition
Started working for NESPA in Tokyo, Japan
2002 Started working for Misako’s hair make studio in Canada
2003 Moved back to Japan and Worked as a senior stylist in Yokohama, Japan
Participated in hair-shows in Shin-Yokohama NEW SIDE BEACH
2004 Graduated from MUD make-up designory Los Angeles, the US
Worked as a bridal hair and makeup artist at Yokohama Garden Hotel after coming back to Japan
2007 Started working for Hoshi Coupe Berlin in Germany
2008 Worked freelance for TV shows in Japan
2012 Worked freelance in Perth, Australia
2014 Started working in Singapore
Obtained her qualification in Eyelash extension
Obtained her qualification in IPL(Permanent hair removal)
Obtained her qualification in 1-by-1 hair extension at Smart Link
Obtained her qualification in Head spa
Hair and makeup artist for photo shoot for Datsumo Labo
2016 Moved to Belgium
2017 JULY:  Did nails for Ms. Miki Nakatani(Japanese actress) for a TV program and a magazine
2018 JUNE: Did hair and makeup for the guests in a private party