ベルギー店5周年のご挨拶/Happy 5-year anniversary!

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スタッフは、開業当時Yukiko さんと2人でスタートし、その1年後にはMayumiとKeikoが仲間入りしました。現在は、Yukikoさんが独立し、AsukaとAyakaが参加。年末には、Takashi が加わります。仲間には感謝しきれません。家族の様に共に成長し助け合える関係で、これからも、心地よい会社であれたらなと感じています。
NorikoMatsushita グループといたしまして、日本、スリランカ共に
Cir♾Creation 無限なる創造の循環


松下 典子

Happy 5-year anniversary!

It has been five years since I opened my salon in Belgium on November 3rd.
I could not have this happen without your support.
I sincerely thank you all for being wonderful customers!!

As I write this massage, all those things that happened in the past to have this salon come up in my mind.
Our company was established in May 2016.
Back then, I just had my son and I was working for a salon.
I remember thinking I was not sure if someone like me who did not know anything about it and even could not speak French could establish a company in Brussels.
At first, my application was transferred to various offices and things did not go as well as I hoped.
However, with great helps from other Japanese business owners in Belgium, I could finally get my papers accepted.
After a few months, my company was established.

In August 2016, I found a nice property on the way to work, which became our current salon.
Since the opening, I really love its location, close to the EU commissions and very international. Thanks to this location, our customers are also very international as well, which I love!
I appreciate very much that you chose our salon as your hairdresser!

As for the staff, I started our salon with Yukiko who is now a business owner of her own salon. Then, Mayumi and Keiko joined after 1 year. Right now, we have Asuka and Ayaka joined us this year and Takashi will join at the end of this year. I cannot thank enough for all my staff for their hard work!

As NorikoMatsushita group (Belgium, Sri Lanka and Japan), we will continue offering information based on [Beauty✖️Health✖️Art].
Also, as in our concept,
[Cir♾Creation] The loop of creation circulates eternally.
Not only being a hair salon, we would also like to focus on developing products that are sustainable, recyclable and that are kind to hair, skin and even to the earth!
I cannot wait to offer you the exciting information!

We will do our best to be even a better salon for you all!!
Again, thank you very much for your support and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
