ベルギーピンクリボン/Pink Ribbon Hair Donation

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当店は、ベルギーピンクリボンのヘアドネーションプロジェクト「Coupe de Coeur」の登録美容室となりました!

当店でヘアカットをする、または当店にご自身でカットされたポニーテールをお持ちいただくと、そちらを当店よりPink Ribbonへ寄付させていただきます。
当店でも今までドネーションでカットいただいた髪はすべてPink Ribbonへ寄付させていただきました。


・ポニーテールの長さは少なくとも 35cm





Our salon has become now a registered hair salon for the hair donation project of Pink Ribbon Belgium, “Coupe de Coeur”!
The Pink Ribbon campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of early detection, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer, and to deepen understanding of the disease.
It involves various activities such as patient support, educational campaigns, and fundraising efforts.
When we thought about what we could do as a hair salon, the first thing that came to mind was hair donation.
This is an essential activity to support the Pink Ribbon movement.

If you get a haircut at our salon, or bring in a ponytail that you have cut yourself, we will donate it to the Pink Ribbon organization.
The donated ponytails will be sorted, sold at a fair price, and transformed into beautiful wigs by local wig makers, which will then be provided to breast cancer patients.
Of course, if you choose to have your hair cut for donation at our salon, you will only be charged the regular haircut fee—no additional charges.
Please just let us know when making your reservation that you would like your hair cut for donation.

Donation Conditions:
• The ponytail must be at least 35 cm in length.
• Even hair that has been permed or bleached can be used to make wigs as long as it is healthy.

Currently, it is said that 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives.
Through the Pink Ribbon campaign, we want to contribute to easing the burden on as many breast cancer patients as possible.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!
Belgian Pink Ribbon:https://pink-ribbon.be/fr/coupedecoeur

Looking forward to hearing from you!!