手作り麹・味噌ワークショップ/Homemade Koji and Miso Workshop

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9月8日 13:00-17:00(1日目)
9月9日 13:00-17:00(2日目)

Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 二階

160€ /2日


9月10日 13:00-17:00

Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 二階

70€ /1日




Marika Groen (茉莉花)
Malicafe Organic Vegan Food に常菌。

〜Handmade Koji/Miso Workshop〜

Would you like to make your own Koji and Miso??
We invite a special instructor, Ms. Marika Groen.

– September 8th/9th (Saturday and Sunday) Koji workshop
– September 10th (Monday) Miso Workshop

There will be a discount on the fee if you participate in both workshops (*^_^*)
Please check following link for more details;

////////////Koji Workshop////////////
Koji and fermentation in life.
This is a weekend crash course on Koji making and wild fermentation that’s deeply rooted in Japanese folk culture.

<Date and Time>
September 8th 13:00-17:00(1st day)
September 9th 13:00-17:00(2nd day)

Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 2F

<Fee(Include. ingredients)>
160€ /2 days
⚠You can take Koji back home with you.

////////////Miso Workshop////////////
Grow your own organic Miso with fresh Koji
In this workshop, you will be fully guided through the preparing methods of this traditional Japanese fermented soybean paste.

<Date and time>
September 10th 13:00-17:00

Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 2F

<Fee(Include. ingredients)>
70€ /1day
⚠You can take Miso back home with you.

★If you participate in both workshops, the total fee is only 210€!
★Please make an application and pay for the workshop by August 20th.
★Each workshop is for 10 persons. The application will be closed when participants reaches to 10 people.
★No reimbursement will be made with cancellations after August 25th.

For enquiries↓

<Instructor profile>
Ms. Marika Groen
The travelling mystagogue of Japanese classic ferments, also a writer/a
photographer/a lazy cook. Periodically hosting an intensive Koji class as well as workshops to make Miso, Doburoku, Natto, and other fermented food and drinks.
Now organizes fermentation tours and camps in Japan and disseminates its culture in Europe.
Loves wild-crafting and home brewing. Inhabits Malicafe Organic Vegan Food.

Consultation with Dr. Tan AUGUST

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美容室NORIKO MATSUSHITAでは、育毛・頭皮改善のスペシャリストであり、オーガニックプロダクトの開発者でもあるDr. ジャスミン・タンを招き、当サロンでの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリングを開催しております。
Dr. ジャスミン・タンとのカウンセリングでは、Dr. Tanが皆様の頭皮の状態を確認し、原因と改善策を見つけ、皆様の頭皮をより良い状態へ導くアドバイスをさせていただきます。
お客様の状態にあったDr. Tanの100%オーガニックプロダクト(Dr. Tan指導のもと、オーガニック農家にて栽培)も販売し、Dr. Tanより正しい使い方の説明もございますので、カウンセリングをしたその日からお悩みへの対策を実行いただくことができます。





We have a one on one consultation with Dr. Tan 2 days a month at our salon.

Dr. Tan is specialized with hair restoration and the founder of 100% organic hair product,”Nardi Salvifici”
With her knowledge and experience, she develops products for hair growth and scalp care by herself.

In the consultation, Dr. Tan will sit down with you and help you to find the causes of the problems such as bad scalp, hair loss…etc. and advise you the best measures.
You can also purchase Dr. Tan’s 100% organic products on the day and she will directly teach you how to use them correctly.
You can start to work on your worries from the day of the consultation!

Please contact us if you are interested!
The consultation is 30mins ~ 1hour(€40).
You can book it with other services like hair cut as well.

※If you would like to book in only for a consultation, please wash your hair before the consultation and do not put any hair products on the hair
※The communication with Dr. Tan is in English or Dutch.

<Dates of consultation>
CONSULTATION :30mins ~ 1hour each(€40)
August 8th, Wednesday 12:00~16:30
August 11th, Saturday 9:30~15:30

Dont’t miss this chance!

着物ウォーク第一回/Kimono Walk Premier

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Kimono Walk on July 15th.

We were so lucky to see Red Devils so close!

Please join us for the next Kimono Walk♡

ランチ会/Work-do Lunch!

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<comme chez soi>




Work-do Lunch???

We went to a two star restaurant, <comme chez soi>???

Services and food… Everything was first-class, but in a very nice n cosy atmosphere✨
we had a super lovely time!!

A Must-go‼️ restaurant in Brussels ☝️

(we went hunting for sales after lunch, but it’s a little secret❤️)

ご予約はお済ですか?/Have you already booked your appointment?

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美容室NORIKO MATSUSHITAでは、育毛・頭皮改善のスペシャリストであり、オーガニックプロダクトの開発者でもあるDr. ジャスミン・タンを招き、当サロンでの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリングを開催しております。
Dr. ジャスミン・タンとのカウンセリングでは、Dr. Tanが皆様の頭皮の状態を確認し、原因と改善策を見つけ、皆様の頭皮をより良い状態へ導くアドバイスをさせていただきます。
お客様の状態にあったDr. Tanの100%オーガニックプロダクト(Dr. Tan指導のもと、オーガニック農家にて栽培)も販売し、Dr. Tanより正しい使い方の説明もございますので、カウンセリングをしたその日からお悩みへの対策を実行いただくことができます。





We have a one on one consultation with Dr. Tan 2 days a month at our salon.

Dr. Tan is specialized with hair restoration and the founder of 100% organic hair product,”Nardi Salvifici”
With her knowledge and experience, she develops products for hair growth and scalp care by herself.

In the consultation, Dr. Tan will sit down with you and help you to find the causes of the problems such as bad scalp, hair loss…etc. and advise you the best measures.
You can also purchase Dr. Tan’s 100% organic products on the day and she will directly teach you how to use them correctly.
You can start to work on your worries from the day of the consultation!

Please contact us if you are interested!
The consultation is 30mins ~ 1hour(€40).
You can book it with other services like hair cut as well.

※If you would like to book in only for a consultation, please wash your hair before the consultation and do not put any hair products on the hair
※The communication with Dr. Tan is in English or Dutch.

<Dates of consultation>
CONSULTATION :30mins ~ 1hour each(€40)
July 11th, Wednesday 14:00~16:30
July 14th, Saturday 9:30~15:30
August 8th, Wednesday 12:00~16:30
August 11th, Saturday 9:30~15:30

Dont’t miss this chance!

出張サービス/Mobile beauty services

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先日、Tournai にある広大なお屋敷で行われたプライベートパーティーへ、スタッフ全員でヘアメイクの出張に行ってきました!

1年に1度、国のテーマを決めて、毎年開催していらっしゃるとのことで、今年のテーマはズバリ『日本』!! ゲストの皆さんに楽しんでいただけるよう、日本スタイルのヘアメイクをできるブースを出店して欲しいとのご依頼でした。


Noriko Matsushitaでは、様々な出張メニューを承っております。



We had a beauty booth for a private party last month!!

This party has a theme each year and this year, the theme was JAPAN.

We had a booth to do Japanese-style hair/makeup for the guests to enjoy as one of the entertainments!

Such a fun and lovely event to participate!!

We offer various types of mobile beauty services at Noriko Matsushita. We will do our best to fulfill your needs as much as possible even if it is not on the website.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you need a beauty help!!

手作り歯磨き粉/Organic Toothpaste

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オーガニック手作り歯磨き粉ワークショップ(For English, please scroll down.)



日時:  7月9日  (月)12:30~(1時間半)

場所: NorikoMatsushita の ヘアサロンにて

費用: €30 (材料費、教材費込)




100% Organic Toothpaste

Did you know???

Commercial toothpastes are normally full of chemical drugs such as abrasives, detergents and forming agents and preservatives.
It is said that the sense of taste changes after using commercial toothpastes for a long time.
That is because the same ingredients as synthetic detergent called sodium lauryl sulfate (detergents and forming agents) in toothpaste hurts the taste organ on the surface of tongue.

In this workshop, you can make your own clay toothpaste with 100% natural ingredient.

Not only clay toothpaste cleans teeth without sanding the surface of them, but also the minerals in clay work on the gum.
Clay toothpaste is the best natural dental care!
So comfortable and natural to use but gives your teeth very clean finish!!
You will not be able to go back to ordinal commercial toothpaste!

It is safe to use to everyone, of course to small children too!

Time: July 9th, Monday at 12:30~ 14:00

Place: Salon Noriko Matsushita

Price: €30 (Include. Materials)

*For 5 people only

・You can take the toothpaste and the recipe back home after workshop. (You can make it by yourself from next time!)
・If you would like to participate, please email us to info@norikomatsushita.com.
Make sure to write your name, phone number and email address that we can contact.
・You are welcome to bring your child with you on the day.
・Application will be closed when it reaches to 5 people.

If you are interested, Please do not hesitate to contact us!



育毛スペシャリストと個人カウンセリングのお知らせ/Hair Restoration with Dr. Tan

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この度、新たな試みとして、育毛・頭皮改善のスペシャリストであり、オーガニックプロダクトの開発者でもある Dr. ジャスミン・タンを招き、当サロンでの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリングを開催することとなりました。


Dr. タンは、英国で博士号を取得しており、その知識と経験を生かし、育毛・頭皮改善に関する独自のオーガニックプロダクトを開発しています



NORIKO MATSUSHITAでは、6月から毎月2日間、当サロンでのDr. Tanとの個人カウンセリングの予約をお取りいたします。

カウンセリングでは、Dr. Tanが皆様の頭皮の状態を確認し、原因と改善策を見つけていきます。

お客様の状態にあったDr. Tanの100%オーガニックプロダクト(Dr. Tan指導のもと、オーガニック農家にて栽培)も販売し、Dr.Tanより正しい使い方の説明もございますので、カウンセリングをしたその日からお悩みへの対策を実行いただくことができます。



















Dr. Tanの育毛材”Nardi Salvifici”は100%オーガニックの商品です。



☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue

(50 ml)€ 90.00




☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster

(50 ml)€ 100.00




☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)

(30 ml)€ 110.00





詳しい商品情報や使用方法は当日のカウンセリングにてDr. Tanから説明いたします。





カウンセリングの後、”Nardi Salvifici”の商品を使い続け見事に育毛に成功しました。


ストレスにより完全に脱毛してしまったこちらの女性には、2017年8月より“Hair Rescue”をまず3か月使用し2017年11月(左写真)の状態になりました。

11月からは、朝に“Hair Rescue”、夜に“Hair Booster”のルーティーンで使用を続け、3か月後の2018年2月には見事に育毛に成功しました(右写真)。

<Dr. Jasmine Tan のプロフィール(1枚目の写真)>

Nardi Salvifici Hair Productsの創設者、兼製品開発者。

シンガポール生まれ、オランダ在住。英国マンチェスター大学にてMaterials Scienceの博士号を取得。自身のストレスによる抜け毛の経験から100%オーガニックのボタニカルヘアケア商品の開発を始め、新しい髪の成長、抜け毛の減少や頭皮のケアなど抜け毛に関する問題に焦点を絞り商品の開発・生産をしている。


We are proud to announce that the hair restoration specialist, Dr. Tan will be joining our team from this June!!


Dr. Tan is specialized with hair restoration and the founder of 100% organic hair product,”Nardi Salvifici”

With her knowledge and experience, she develops products for hair growth and scalp care by herself.

Dr. Tan already has a large number of clients all over the world (Singapore, Hawaii, Holland…etc.), and have delivered them on a positive result.


With Dr. Tan, we hope to help our clients whom seek help, relating to hair and scalp issues of all kinds!


From June, we will start a one on one consultation with Dr. Tan 2 days a month at our salon.

Dr. Tan will sit down with you and help you to find the causes and advise you the best measures.

You can also purchase Dr. Tan’s 100% organic products on the day and she will directly teach you how to use them correctly.

You can start to work on your worries from the day of the consultation!


Please contact us if you are interested!

The consultation is 30mins(€40).

You can book it with other services like hair cut as well.


※If you would like to book in only for a consultation, please wash your hair before the consultation and do not put any hair products on the hair

※The communication with Dr. Tan is in English only.


<Dates of consultation>

CONSULTATION :30mins each(€40)

–      June 13th, Wednesday 12:00~16:30

–      June 16th, Saturday 9:30~15:30

–      July 11th, Wednesday 12:00~16:30

–      July 14th, Saturday 9:30~15:30

–      August 8th, Wednesday 12:00~16:30

–      August 11th, Saturday 9:30~15:30



Dr. Tan’s hair product, “Nardi Salvifici” is 100% ORGANIC.

We introduce following 3 items in consultations and you can also purchase them at our salon.


☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue

(50 ml)€ 90.00

●The time-honored Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort) plays central theme in this proprietary RESCUE formulation; working in synergy with the essential botanicals selected to deliver the Much Needed RESCUE to Your Scalp, providing Relief Naturally to Your Hair Loss Stress!!

●Key Ingredients…Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort), Arctium lappa (Burdock), Salvia officinalis (Sage), and Urtica dioica (Nettle)



☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster

(50 ml)€ 100.00

●Simply, packed with botanicals…

Grand and Mighty in Strength, delivering the Precise Boost to satisfy the pressing needs of Your Scalp and Hair.

●Key Ingredients…Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit), Rubus occidentalis (Black Raspberry) Leaf, Salvia officinalis (Sage) and Tragopogon porrifolius (Salsify)



☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)

(30 ml)€ 110.00

●Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow and Eyelash) is specially developed for the eye area; keeping in mind, the sensitivity of the eye region.

It enables the growth of eyebrow and eyelash naturally, accelerates and multiply hair growth to eventually, healthy eyebrow and eyelash.

●Key Ingredients…Pyrus malus (Apple) fruit extract, Actinidia chinensis (Kiwi) plant extract, and Rubus allegheniensis (Blackberry) plant extract


Dr. Tan will explain about these products more in detail on the day.


100% organic, gentle and natural…, but the result is surprising!!

Please see this photo.

this is one of Dr. Tan’s clients.

She started using Dr. Tan’s product, “Nardi Salvifici” after the consultation with her and amazingly achieved to get her hair back.

Dr. Tan met this lady in July 2017, Hair workshop in Singapore.

She had Alopecia condition and had no hair on her head.

She started using HAIR RESCUE only August 2017.

After 3 months of Hair Rescue, her hair started to grow again (photo on left)

Then, she started using both RESCUE (morning) and BOOSTER (evening) after that.

Look what happened in 3 months!!(Photo below).


<Dr. Jasmine Tan (Photo above)>

Founder and Product Developer of Nardi Salvifici Hair Products

Born in Singapore and currently living in Netherlands.

Obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Science in the University of Manchester (UK).

With her own experience of severe hair loss, she started developing 100% organic botanical scalp care products.

Since then, Dr. Tan is devoting herself into developing 100% organic product, targeting new hair growth, hair loss reduction and scalp care.


季節の定額ネイルキャンペーン(2018年 夏)/€50 SUMMER GEL NAIL

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Summer is coming!!

It’s good time to come in and get your nails done with our special summer designs for only €50!

We prepared 5 different exclusive designs for you to enjoy!

☆☆Promotion Details☆☆

・Menu :Summer Design Gel Nails

・Design :Please choose one of the designs from attached

・Available from June 1st, 2018 to August 31th, 2018

・Nailist :Mayumi or Keiko

・Price :€50

*Gel-off is not included

*No change in color and design

*Please mention that your booking is for this promotion when booking your appointment

*This Promotion can be booked in only on week-days.

*These terms and conditions may be subject to change without notice.
Please don’t miss this chance!

We look forward to seeing you soon!