フェイシャル新メニューとスケジュール変更のご案内/New Body Treatment Service and Schedule Change

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☆☆新メニュー 「あなただけの90分コース」☆☆


ボディマッサージに使用するオイルは「エドガーケーシー オーラグロウオイル(オーラが輝くオイル)」プラス7種類のデトックスに効果的なエッセンシャルオイルを混ぜたオリジナルデトックスオイルです。



★★エリクソンラボラトア エンジマシッド ピーリング フェイシャル 1h/78ユーロ

★★リボーンフェイスリフト 1h/75ユーロ

★★リンパ 美脚 浮腫み取りマッサージ 1h/75ユーロ
足裏にもアプローチしてトータルに美脚を目指します。 リンパ、血液の循環が良くなるオリジナルデトックスオイルを使用。

★★クイックリカバリー 30mins/45ユーロ



スケジュール:毎週火曜日 12:00~15:00


★★セラピスト Naokoの詳細はコチラ↓↓

Therapist Naoko


Booking for relaxation lounge


2F Relaxation Lounge


New body treatment service just started!!

☆☆Customized massage 90mins☆☆

90mins customized massage using the most suitable techniques selected according to what your body needs and your wishes.
Are you tired and in need of massage? Do you also wish to have a face lifting?
This treatment provides you with what you need during 90 minutes.
The massage will be performed all by hand and consists of several techniques (Lymphatic massage, Myofascial release, Meridian head massage etc… )

★We use special oil for the body massage!! “Edgar cayce’s Aura Glow Oil ” using 7 different types of essential oils.
It will deliver a detox effect. Your aura will be glowing after massage!!!

Other facial and body treatment services♪↓↓

★★Facial treatment, Ericson Laboratoire Enzymacid 1h/78EUR
Skin brightening treatment with peelings.
◎Cleansing, Gommage, Peelings, Face massage, Facial mask.

★★Reborn Face lifting massage 1h/75EUR
◎Cleansing, Lymph drainage, Face myofascial release, Calming mask.

★★Legs massage with Lymph drainage for heavy legs 1h/ 75EUR
This energetic massage is for ” Heavy, tired legs, Cellulite.”
Using original DETOX OIL with 7 types of essential oils.

★★Quick recovery massage 30min/45EUR
Manual body massage without oil.


Please note that the therapist, Naoko’s working time will be changed from Wednesday AM to 【Tuesday PM】 as of December 1st, 2018.


Payment is CASH ONLY.
Please email us to book your appointment!

★★Details of therapist Naoko↓↓

Therapist Naoko

★★To check the availability↓

Booking for relaxation lounge

★★Relaxation Lounge↓

2F Relaxation Lounge

We will add more services for Relaxation Lounge!
Looking forward to receiving many bookings!!

Dr. Tanとの育毛カウンセリング/Hair restoration consultation with Dr. Tan

admin 未分類

毎月大好評をいただいております、<<Dr. Tanとの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリング>>のご案内です!!

美容室NORIKO MATSUSHITAでは、育毛・頭皮改善のスペシャリストであり、オーガニックプロダクトの開発者でもあるDr. ジャスミン・タンを招き、当サロンでの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリングを開催しております。
Dr. ジャスミン・タンとのカウンセリングでは、Dr. Tanが皆様の頭皮の状態を確認し、原因と改善策を見つけ、皆様の頭皮をより良い状態へ導くアドバイスをさせていただきます。
お客様の状態にあったDr. Tanの100%オーガニックプロダクト(Dr. Tan指導のもと、オーガニック農家にて栽培)も販売し、Dr. Tanより正しい使い方の説明もございますので、カウンセリングをしたその日からお悩みへの対策を実行いただくことができます。





Dr. Tanの育毛材”Nardi Salvifici”は100%オーガニックの商品です。

☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue
(50 ml)€ 90.00

☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster
(50 ml)€ 100.00

☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)
(30 ml)€ 110.00

詳しい商品情報や使用方法は当日のカウンセリングにてDr. Tanから説明いたします。

<Dr. Jasmine Tan のプロフィール>
Nardi Salvifici Hair Productsの創設者、兼製品開発者。
シンガポール生まれ、オランダ在住。英国マンチェスター大学にてMaterials Scienceの博士号を取得。自身のストレスによる抜け毛の経験から100%オーガニックのボタニカルヘアケア商品の開発を始め、新しい髪の成長、抜け毛の減少や頭皮のケアなど抜け毛に関する問題に焦点を絞り商品の開発・生産をしている。

We have <<one on one consultations with Dr. Tan every month>> at our salon.

Dr. Tan is specialized with hair restoration and the founder of 100% organic hair product,”Nardi Salvifici”
With her knowledge and experience, she develops products for hair growth and scalp care by herself.

In the consultation, Dr. Tan will sit down with you and help you to find the causes of the problems such as bad scalp, hair loss…etc. and advise you the best measures.
You can also purchase Dr. Tan’s 100% organic products on the day and she will directly teach you how to use them correctly.
You can start to work on your worries from the day of the consultation!

Please contact us if you are interested!
The consultation is 30mins ~ 1hour(€40).
You can book it with other services like hair cut as well.

※If you would like to book in only for a consultation, please wash your hair before the consultation and do not put any hair products on the hair
※The communication with Dr. Tan is in English, Chinese or Dutch.

<Dates of consultation>
CONSULTATION :30mins ~ 1hour each(€40)
November 24th, Saturday 11:30~16:30
December 8th, Saturday 11:30~16:30
December 25th, Saturday 11:30~16:30

Looking forward to your bookings!!

Dr. Tan’s hair product, “Nardi Salvifici” is 100% ORGANIC.
We introduce following 3 items in consultations and you can also purchase them at our salon.

☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue
(50 ml)€ 90.00
●The time-honored Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort) plays central theme in this proprietary RESCUE formulation; working in synergy with the essential botanicals selected to deliver the Much Needed RESCUE to Your Scalp, providing Relief Naturally to Your Hair Loss Stress!!
●Key Ingredients…Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort), Arctium lappa (Burdock), Salvia officinalis (Sage), and Urtica dioica (Nettle)

☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster
(50 ml)€ 100.00
●Simply, packed with botanicals…
Grand and Mighty in Strength, delivering the Precise Boost to satisfy the pressing needs of Your Scalp and Hair.
●Key Ingredients…Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit), Rubus occidentalis (Black Raspberry) Leaf, Salvia officinalis (Sage) and Tragopogon porrifolius (Salsify)

☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)
(30 ml)€ 110.00
●Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow and Eyelash) is specially developed for the eye area; keeping in mind, the sensitivity of the eye region.
It enables the growth of eyebrow and eyelash naturally, accelerates and multiply hair growth to eventually, healthy eyebrow and eyelash.
●Key Ingredients…Pyrus malus (Apple) fruit extract, Actinidia chinensis (Kiwi) plant extract, and Rubus allegheniensis (Blackberry) plant extract

Dr. Tan will explain about these products more in detail on the day.

<Dr. Jasmine Tan>
Founder and Product Developer of Nardi Salvifici Hair Products
Born in Singapore and currently living in Netherlands.
Obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Science in the University of Manchester (UK).
With her own experience of severe hair loss, she started developing 100% organic botanical scalp care products.
Since then, Dr. Tan is devoting herself into developing 100% organic product, targeting new hair growth, hair loss reduction and scalp care.

着物販売会 追加販売商品のご紹介!/New Sale Item at Kimono Sale

admin 未分類


販売開始日は、11月11日 当店で開催いたします着物販売会となります。

《Original Accessory》
Handmade accessories with SWAROVSKI crystals decorated piece by piece by hand.
Great for all occasions, formal or informal!!

Hair clips
Obi-dome(belt buckle for Kimono, can be used with scarves as well!)

They will be available from Kimono sale at our shop on November 11th.
Limited stock!!

2018年秋 着物販売会とお茶会/2018 Autumn Kimono Sale and Tea Ceremony

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2018年11月11日(日) 10:00~17:00

特別価格 €40~

特別価格 €60~

特別価格 €90~

特別価格 €20~




カジュアルな呈茶席で、薄茶と和菓子をお召し上がりいただきます。 その際、お茶席の客として、お抹茶をいただく手順をご紹介いたします。
– 最大 5 名/席
– ± 40分
– 15€ (予約前払料金)/18€ (当日料金:お席に余裕がある場合)

– 最大 5 名/席
– ± 20分
– 12€ (予約前払料金)/15€ (当日料金:お席に余裕がある場合)

下記情報を、saianws@saikoproject.com へ、メール送信の 上、料金を銀行振込にてお支払いください。
– ご希望の内容と時間
– お名前
– 電話番号
– 振込先:BE 12 3631 1593 9692 (SAIAN)

◇カフェメニュー(14:30~ )—–
・ お抹茶  4€
・ かぶせ茶 2€
・ グリーンティー 1.5 €

10:30-11:10 呈茶【薄茶】
11:30-11:50 ミニ・ワークショップ- お茶碗の準備と美味しい薄茶の点て方

13:00-13:40 呈茶【薄茶】
14:00-14:20 ミニ・ワークショップ- お茶碗の準備と美味しい薄茶の点て方

14:30-16:30 カフェ&ショップ (日本茶とお道具等)


Email: info@norikomatsushita.com

☆Facebook イベントページ↓

?Special Exhibition and sale for KIMONO?

We are holding a special exhibition and sale for KIMONO at our shop in this autumn again!

DATE: Sunday, November 11th 2018
TIME: 10:00~17:00

There will be a huge selection of high-quality items!;
■Haori(Great for daily outfit!)
Special price €40~

Special price €60~

Special price €90~

■Japanese bag and Zouri
Special price €20~

■Wagashi (Japanese sweets)

■Japanese tea

What’s more, we welcome a tea ceremony master, SAIAN-Ansyu for the event!!
She will hold tea ceremonies, mini workshops and café/shop on the day.

◇Discovery of Cha-no-yu-tea ceremony【Light matcha】 ——
Have you ever tasted a bowl of Matcha -powdered green tea ?
Have you ever seen Cha-no-yu – tea ceremony?
Do you know how to drink a bowl of Matcha?

You can have a simple experience of Cha-no-yu as the guest for learning the gestures and appreciating a bowl of Matcha with Japanese sweets.
– max 5 persons/session
– ± 40min
– 15€ (booking and advance payment)/18€ (*payment on the day if there are still places)

◇Mini workshop – Purify and making good-tasting matcha ——
This workshop offers you an experience of some little parts of Cha-no-yu.
You will learn how to prepare a bowl of good-tasting matcha, and how to purify the tea ceremony instruments, as well as the names of the instruments, after a demonstration of a simple Japanese tea ceremony.
– max 5 persons/session
– ± 20min
– 12€ (booking and advance payment)/15€ (*payment on the day if there are still places)

◇How to book for tea ceremony and workshop(3 days in advance at the latest)—–
Please send email with following information to saianws@saikoproject.com , and transfer your fee to the bank account below.
Bookings will be confirmed when payment is done.
– What you would like to book
– the time of your choice
– your name
– Phone number
– Bank account:BE 12 3631 1593 9692 (SAIAN)

◇Café menu(14:30~ )—–
・ Matcha:usucha(light powdered green tea)  4€
・ Kabuse-cha(green tea) 2€
・ Sweet green tea 1.5 €

10:30-11:10 Discovery of Cha-no-yu -tea ceremony【Light matcha】
11:30-11:50 Workshop -purify and making good-tasting matcha

13:00-13:40 Discovery of Cha-no-yu -tea ceremony【Light matcha】
14:00-14:20 Workshop -purify and making good-tasting matcha

14:30-16:30 small cafe and shop (Japanese teas and the equipments)

It will be a great opportunity for you to feel and discover Japan♪
Do not hesitate to drop by and miss this chance!!
We are looking forward to seeing you!!

Please email for any enquiries;
Email: info@norikomatsushita.com

☆Facebook event page↓

腸セラピー♪/Intestinal Therapy

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Do you know Intestinal Therapy?

◇ Intestinal Therapy is a health method that stimulates digestive organs such as stomach and intestines by massaging the abdomen around belly button area.

Ideal therapy for people with stomach tightness, chronic constipation or stiff shoulders caused by it. We will also introduce self-abdominal massage that can be done at home every day.
We stimulate the points connecting to the intestines on the shoulder and arm, and then give an abdominal massage directly working on the intestines.
Intestinal Therapy is also expected to improve the skin through detox and the immune system by harmonizing autonomic nerves.

◇What do we actually do in Intestinal Therapy?

Consultation:We talk about your physical condition and other important points during the therapy.

Instruction:We will introduce self-abdominal that can be done at home every day(easy to understand with pictures)

Massage: massage on your body with the Shiatsu and Seitai technics (pressure, kneading, flexion, stretching, percussion, etc.) focusing onto problematic parts.

Fukushin: Abdominal diagnosis by SHIATSU method. We feel the energy balance by touching with your abdomen, and we press the points of acupuncture to harmonize it.↓

Abdominal massage:Gentle massage from small intestine area to large intestine area around belly button.

Relax time:A little massage on acupuncture points on either head, face or feet (only if there is enough time)

Please note that this therapy cannot be performed to those who recently underwent surgery in the abdomen and also who have diarrhea.
Please visit more than 2 hours after meals.

Book for Intestine Therapy now!
◇Intestine Therapy 50mins(€45)
◇Availability:14:00~17:00 on every Wednesday

Kayo is also available for Shiatsu massage.
◇Shiatsu full body session 50mins(€40)

◇To check the availability↓

◇Booking inquiries↓

We look forward to your bookings!

Dr. Tanとの育毛カウンセリング/Hair Restoration consultation with Dr. Tan

admin 未分類


毎月大好評をいただいております、☆Dr. Tanとの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリング☆のご案内です!!

美容室NORIKO MATSUSHITAでは、育毛・頭皮改善のスペシャリストであり、オーガニックプロダクトの開発者でもあるDr. ジャスミン・タンを招き、当サロンでの育毛・頭皮改善の個人カウンセリングを開催しております。
Dr. ジャスミン・タンとのカウンセリングでは、Dr. Tanが皆様の頭皮の状態を確認し、原因と改善策を見つけ、皆様の頭皮をより良い状態へ導くアドバイスをさせていただきます。
お客様の状態にあったDr. Tanの100%オーガニックプロダクト(Dr. Tan指導のもと、オーガニック農家にて栽培)も販売し、Dr. Tanより正しい使い方の説明もございますので、カウンセリングをしたその日からお悩みへの対策を実行いただくことができます。





Dr. Tanの育毛材”Nardi Salvifici”は100%オーガニックの商品です。

☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue
(50 ml)€ 90.00

☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster
(50 ml)€ 100.00

☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)
(30 ml)€ 110.00

詳しい商品情報や使用方法は当日のカウンセリングにてDr. Tanから説明いたします。

<Dr. Jasmine Tan のプロフィール>
Nardi Salvifici Hair Productsの創設者、兼製品開発者。
シンガポール生まれ、オランダ在住。英国マンチェスター大学にてMaterials Scienceの博士号を取得。自身のストレスによる抜け毛の経験から100%オーガニックのボタニカルヘアケア商品の開発を始め、新しい髪の成長、抜け毛の減少や頭皮のケアなど抜け毛に関する問題に焦点を絞り商品の開発・生産をしている。

We have ☆one on one consultations with Dr. Tan every month☆ at our salon.

Dr. Tan is specialized with hair restoration and the founder of 100% organic hair product,”Nardi Salvifici”
With her knowledge and experience, she develops products for hair growth and scalp care by herself.

In the consultation, Dr. Tan will sit down with you and help you to find the causes of the problems such as bad scalp, hair loss…etc. and advise you the best measures.
You can also purchase Dr. Tan’s 100% organic products on the day and she will directly teach you how to use them correctly.
You can start to work on your worries from the day of the consultation!

Please contact us if you are interested!
The consultation is 30mins ~ 1hour(€40).
You can book it with other services like hair cut as well.

※If you would like to book in only for a consultation, please wash your hair before the consultation and do not put any hair products on the hair
※The communication with Dr. Tan is in English or Dutch.

<Dates of consultation>
CONSULTATION :30mins ~ 1hour each(€40)
October 13th, Saturday 11:30~16:30

Looking forward to your bookings!!

Dr. Tan’s hair product, “Nardi Salvifici” is 100% ORGANIC.
We introduce following 3 items in consultations and you can also purchase them at our salon.

☆Grandio Classic Hair Rescue
(50 ml)€ 90.00
●The time-honored Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort) plays central theme in this proprietary RESCUE formulation; working in synergy with the essential botanicals selected to deliver the Much Needed RESCUE to Your Scalp, providing Relief Naturally to Your Hair Loss Stress!!
●Key Ingredients…Pulmonaria officinalis (Lungwort), Arctium lappa (Burdock), Salvia officinalis (Sage), and Urtica dioica (Nettle)

☆Grandio Classic Hair Booster
(50 ml)€ 100.00
●Simply, packed with botanicals…
Grand and Mighty in Strength, delivering the Precise Boost to satisfy the pressing needs of Your Scalp and Hair.
●Key Ingredients…Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit), Rubus occidentalis (Black Raspberry) Leaf, Salvia officinalis (Sage) and Tragopogon porrifolius (Salsify)

☆Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow & Eyelash)
(30 ml)€ 110.00
●Grandio Stella Hair Booster (for Eyebrow and Eyelash) is specially developed for the eye area; keeping in mind, the sensitivity of the eye region.
It enables the growth of eyebrow and eyelash naturally, accelerates and multiply hair growth to eventually, healthy eyebrow and eyelash.
●Key Ingredients…Pyrus malus (Apple) fruit extract, Actinidia chinensis (Kiwi) plant extract, and Rubus allegheniensis (Blackberry) plant extract

Dr. Tan will explain about these products more in detail on the day.

<Dr. Jasmine Tan>
Founder and Product Developer of Nardi Salvifici Hair Products
Born in Singapore and currently living in Netherlands.
Obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Science in the University of Manchester (UK).
With her own experience of severe hair loss, she started developing 100% organic botanical scalp care products.
Since then, Dr. Tan is devoting herself into developing 100% organic product, targeting new hair growth, hair loss reduction and scalp care.

季節の定額ネイルキャンペーン(2018年 秋)/€50 AUTUMN GEL NAIL

admin 未分類








&Autumn has come!!
It’s good time to come in and get your nails done with our special autumn designs for only €50!

We prepared 5 different exclusive designs for you to enjoy!

☆☆Promotion Details☆☆
・Menu :Autumn Design Gel Nails
・Design :Please choose one of the designs from attached
・Available from September 1st, 2018 to November 30th, 2018
・Nailist :Mayumi or Keiko
・Price :€50
*Gel-off is not included
*No change in color and design
*Please mention that your booking is for this promotion and your preferred design when booking your appointment
*This Promotion can be booked in only on week-days.
*These terms and conditions may be subject to change without notice.

Please don’t miss this chance!
We look forward to seeing you soon!


第2回着物ウォーク/2nd Kimono Walk

admin 未分類


第2回目 は、<<2018年 9月16日>>



– フル着付け €80
– 帯だけ €25
– 着物レンタル込み着付け €200
– ヘアセット €50



“KIMONO WALK” is a free-to-participate event where all the participants wear Kimono and go out together to Brussels city-center.
Kimono is a traditional Japanese clothing and a form of art.
By holding “Kimono Walk”, we would like to introduce its beauty and elegance to Brussels and enjoy it with everyone!!

The 2nd Kimono Walk will be <<September 16th, 2018>>
*We might change the meeting location if it is too busy around Grand Place. Please check the latest status on following FB link on the day.

Kimono Walk is…
・On 3rd Sunday in every 2 months (Postponed to following Sunday if rain.)
・On the day, please wear a Kimono and meet us at 14:00 in front of Hotel de Ville in Grand Place.
・We do photo shoot in various places in Brussels.
・We also go for a cup of tea.

Kimono Walk is a free-of-charge event.
Please pay for your own food/drinks if we go out for tea.

If you need a Kitsuke(Kimono dressing), you can totally rely on us!
– Complete Kitsuke 80€
– Only tying Obi 25€
– Rental Kimono & Kitsuke 200€
※Please let us know your size (height, foot size…etc.) in advance. Quantities are limited.
– Hair styling 50€
Please make a booking at least 3days prior to the day of Kimono Walk.

Please contact us if you are interested!!

New Relaxation Lounge☆★☆

admin 未分類



☆フェイシャル、ボディートリートメント (セラピスト:Naoko) 10月末まで10€OFF!!
スケジュール:毎週水曜日 10:00~13:00

★★エリクソンラボラトア エンジマシッド ピーリング フェイシャル 1h/78ユーロ

★★リボーンフェイスリフト 1h/75ユーロ

★★リンパ 美脚 浮腫み取りマッサージ 1h/75ユーロ
足裏にもアプローチしてトータルに美脚を目指します。 リンパ、血液の循環が良くなるオリジナルデトックスオイルを使用。

★★クイックリカバリー 30mins/45ユーロ

★★セラピスト Naokoの詳細はコチラ↓↓

Therapist Naoko

☆ヨガ教室 (インストラクター:Kyoga)
スケジュール:毎週木・金曜日 10:00~11:00

★★「ハタヨガ 」 1h/15ユーロ

★★インストラクター Kyogaの詳細はコチラ↓↓

Instructor Kyoga

☆指圧 (セラピスト:Kayo)
スケジュール:毎週水曜日 14:00~17:00

★★指圧・全身コース 50mins/40ユーロ

★★腸セラピー 50mins/45ユーロ

★★セラピスト Kayoの詳細はコチラ↓↓

Therapist Kayo


Booking for relaxation lounge


2F Relaxation Lounge


We are opening <> from September 1st!
Relaxation lounge locates on 1st floor of our building.
It is made for all our clients to have a lovely time in a cosy private room.

In Relaxation Lounge, we offer relaxing treatments like facial and massage and small classes like Yoga and workshop.

☆Facial and Body treatment (Therapist:Naoko) 10€OFF till the end of Oct, 2018!!
Schedule:Every Wednesdays 10:00~13:00
Start from :September 12th

★★Facial treatment, Ericson Laboratoire Enzymacid 1h/78EUR
Skin brightening treatment with peelings.
◎Cleansing, Gommage, Peelings, Face massage, Facial mask.

★★Reborn Face lifting massage 1h/75EUR
◎Cleansing, Lymph drainage, Face myofascial release, Calming mask.

★★Legs massage with Lymph drainage for heavy legs 1h/ 75EUR
This energetic massage is for ” Heavy, tired legs, Cellulite.”
Using original DETOX OIL with 7 types of essential oils.

★★Quick recovery massage 30min/45EUR
Manual body massage without oil.

★★Details of therapist Naoko↓↓

Therapist Naoko

☆Yoga class (Instructor:Kyoga)
Schedule:Every Thursday, Friday 10:00~11:00
Start from :September 13th

★★Hatha Yoga 1h/15EUR
A small yoga class. Hatha Yoga is the most basic yoga that is the origin of various styles.
In this class we will pay attention to breathing, taking longer time to keep asanas (poses) carefully.
It helps improve the flexibility and the strength of muscle in the whole body in a comfortable way even for beginners.
Slow and deep breath calms the autonomic nerves and enhances the relaxation of mind and body.
This class is suitable for beginners and also for experienced people.
With free herbal tea! French/English available.

★★Details of instructor Kyoga↓↓

Instructor Kyoga

☆Shiatsu Massage (Therapist:Kayo)
Schedule:Every Wednesday 14:00~17:00
Start from :September 5th

★★Shiatsu full body session 50mins/40Euro
After a quick consultation about your physical conditions.
You can enjoy a massage on your whole body with the Shiatsu and Seitai technics (pressure, kneading, flexion, stretching, percussion, etc.) focusing onto problematic parts.

★★Intestinal Therapy 50mins/45Euro
For people with stomach tightness, chronic constipation or stiff shoulders caused by it.
We will also introduce self-abdominal massage that can be done at home every day.
We stimulate the points connecting to the intestines on the shoulder and arm, and then give an abdominal massage directly working on the intestines.
It is also expected to improve the skin through detox and the immune system by harmonizing autonomic nerves.
This is not possible for persons who recently underwent surgery in the abdomen and also who have diarrhea.
Please visit more than 2 hours after meals.

★★Details of therapist Kayo↓↓

Therapist Kayo

Payment is CASH ONLY.
Please email us to book your appointment!
To check the availability↓

Booking for relaxation lounge

Relaxation Lounge↓

2F Relaxation Lounge

We will add more services for Relaxation Lounge!
Looking forward to receiving many bookings!!