営業時間の変更と冬季休業のご案内/New opening hour and winter holiday

admin 未分類



Mon 9:00-17:00
Tue 9:00-17:00
Wed close
Thu 9:00-16:30
Fri 9:00-16:30
Sat 9:00-17:30
Sun close






Thank you for your continued support!

The opening hour will be changed as follows from November 20th.

◼️Opening hour
Mon 9:00-17:00
Tue 9:00-17:00
Wed close
Thu 9:00-16:30
Fri 9:00-16:30
Sat 9:00-17:30
Sun close

In addition, we will be closed during the following period as winter holidays.
We apologize for any inconvenience during the period.

◼️ Winter holiday period
December 24, 2022 – December 28, 2022

We will always reply all the inquiries regardless of this period.
Please kindly allow us to take a little more time than usual.

Thank you.

今週末!ポップアップショップ☆/This weekend!!Pop-up store!!

admin 未分類



日時:10月16日 (日曜日)10:30〜16:00
場所:NorikoMatsushita 店舗内にて (Rue des francs 45,1040)


20世紀初頭から90年代までのラグジュアリーで高品質なヴィンテージアイウェアのコレクションをご紹介しています。全ての商品はNew Old Stockで、一度も着用されていないオリジナルです。

★★nuu miso★★

★★Noriko Matsushita★★
訪問着、留袖、振袖、帯各種、着物用の小物、草履などお着物に関する商品を一通り揃えております。今回は通常300€から700€ほどの商品も50%OFF でお買い求めいただけます!海外で着物を一色揃えるチャンスです!着物は総数100点ほどございます。お気に入りの一枚が見つかると良いです。 また、カジュアルに着こなせる羽織もご用意しています。最近はジーンズに羽織を着こなす方や、長めの羽織をワンピースのようにベルトをしてきこなす方もいらっしゃいます。ぜひあなた流の着こなしを楽しんでください。


Noriko Matsushita Pop-up Store this weekend!!

Noriko Matsushita Hair salon will transform into a pop-up store for Kimono, authentic Japanese items and food, vintage sunglasses.
There will be various venders that are specialized in their field!

Time and date; October 16th Sunday 10:30〜16:00
Place; Noriko Matsushita salon (Rue des francs 45,1040)
No need for reservation. Cash payment only.

Please check following about each vender.

★★I-wearvintage/Vintage sunglasses★★
Introducing a collection of luxury, high-quality vintage eyewear from the early 20th century to the 90s. All items are vintage but never been worn before.

★★nuu miso/Miso, Koji★★
Miso maker since last year!
Belgian miso made with European bio ingredients. All our miso has not been heat-treated, so it contains healthy good bacteria and boosts immunity.
This time, we will introduce sweet miso, salt koji, and soy sauce koji using chickpeas.
For those who want to make shio-koji at home or amazake, we also have dried koji.

★★Noriko Matsushita/Kimono, potteries★★
A big selection of Japanese Kimono items including Houmongi, tomesode, furisode, various types of obis, kimono accessories, zori, and other kimono-related products.
You can get 50% off items that normally cost 300€ to 700€! This is your chance to get a complete set of kimonos without visiting Japan!
Find your favorite Kimono among more than 100 pcs of Kimonos
We also have haori that can be worn casually. Haori can be worn with jeans or long haori can be worn with a belt just like a dress.
Pottery is all handmade and one-of-a-kind Japanese tableware.

Looking forward to seeing you all!!

ポップアップショップのお知らせ/Pop-up store in October

admin 未分類



日時:10月16日 (日曜日)10:30〜16:00
場所:NorikoMatsushita 店舗内にて (Rue des francs 45,1040)


20世紀初頭から90年代までのラグジュアリーで高品質なヴィンテージアイウェアのコレクションをご紹介しています。全ての商品はNew Old Stockで、一度も着用されていないオリジナルです。

★★nuu miso★★

★★Noriko Matsushita★★
訪問着、留袖、振袖、帯各種、着物用の小物、草履などお着物に関する商品を一通り揃えております。今回は通常300€から700€ほどの商品も50%OFF でお買い求めいただけます!海外で着物を一色揃えるチャンスです!着物は総数100点ほどございます。お気に入りの一枚が見つかると良いです。 また、カジュアルに着こなせる羽織もご用意しています。最近はジーンズに羽織を着こなす方や、長めの羽織をワンピースのようにベルトをしてきこなす方もいらっしゃいます。ぜひあなた流の着こなしを楽しんでください。


Noriko Matsushita Pop-up Store!!

Noriko Matsushita Hair salon will transform into a pop-up store for Kimono, authentic Japanese items and food, vintage sunglasses.
There will be various venders that are specialized in their field!

Time and date; October 16th Sunday 10:30〜16:00
Place; Noriko Matsushita salon (Rue des francs 45,1040)
No need for reservation. Cash payment only.

Please check following about each vender.

★★I-wearvintage/Vintage sunglasses★★
Introducing a collection of luxury, high-quality vintage eyewear from the early 20th century to the 90s. All items are vintage but never been worn before.

★★nuu miso/Miso, Koji★★
Miso maker since last year!
Belgian miso made with European bio ingredients. All our miso has not been heat-treated, so it contains healthy good bacteria and boosts immunity.
This time, we will introduce sweet miso, salt koji, and soy sauce koji using chickpeas.
For those who want to make shio-koji at home or amazake, we also have dried koji.

★★Noriko Matsushita/Kimono, pottery★★
A big selection of Japanese Kimono items including Houmongi, tomesode, furisode, various types of obis, kimono accessories, zori, and other kimono-related products.
You can get 50% off items that normally cost 300€ to 700€! This is your chance to get a complete set of kimonos without visiting Japan!
Find your favorite Kimono among more than 100 pcs of Kimonos
We also have haori that can be worn casually. Haori can be worn with jeans or long haori can be worn with a belt just like a dress.
Pottery is all handmade and one-of-a-kind Japanese tableware.

We can also keep the stock aside for you if you are not able to come on the day, please email us for more information.

Looking forward to seeing you all!!

オリジナル☆100%オーガニックプロダクトのご紹介/Original☆100% Organic products

admin 未分類

New Arrival ???
NorikoMatsushita Groupから



それこそがNorikoMatsushita Group
Cir ∞ Creation(無限なる創造の循環)




【価格:12€ 泡立てネット付き】

(ココナッツオイル ,オリーブオイル,シアバター ,アボカドオイル,キャスターオイル 苛性ソーダ,精製水 ,ゼラニウム ,ローズウッド, ローズゼラニウム,ラベンダー ,ドライカモミール)

(ココナッツオイル ,オリーブオイル,シアバター ,アボカドオイル,キャスターオイル 苛性ソーダ,精製水 ,ゼラニウム ,セージ, ネロリ ,ティートゥリー ,パチョリ ,ローズマリー ,ドライセージ)

(ココナッツオイル ,オリーブオイル ,パームオイル ,グレープシードオイル ,キャスターオイル ,苛性ソーダ ,精製水, ローズマリー ,レモン ,グレープフルーツ ,セージ ,サンダルウッド ,竹炭)





・ローズヘアオイル サラサラタイプ (110ml)
・ラベンダーヘアオイル しっとりタイプ (110ml)




New Arrival ???
From Noriko Matsushita Group
Introducing original 100% organic products.

★Solid shampoo 3 type
★Solid conditioner 2 type
★Hair oil 2type

I, Noriko, researched and developed these products, which are 100% handmade using only natural ingredients. As a hairdresser, I always dreamed of creating products with my own hands that would make people beautiful as well as protect the environment.. That the products have to satisfying and effective for hair and skin problems is the most important point. Also, at the same time, they have to be made from ingredients that are harmless to the environment.

That is the theme of NorikoMatsushita Group
Cir ∞ Creation (An infinite cycle of creation)

I believe that being able to circulate infinitely is essential in the future world so that both people and the environment can circulate in many ways.
These products have been created with such thoughts.
Safe and worry-free for something you use every day.

Please check the following details of each items.
Quantities are limited as they cannot be mass produced.
Please email us to reserve the stock if you are interested!

Organic solid shampoo and conditioner

This shampoo and conditioner using natural ingredients without the need of plastic bottles is so friendly to people and the environment!

️『Solid shampoo 3 types』
【Price:12€ includ. a foaming net】
This amazingly refreshing solid shampoo helps you control the oiliness of the scalp. Using it for 2 weeks improves the discomfort of the scalp and it stays smooth and odorless and does not become sticky even after a day.

・For damaged hair・・・recommended for colored/permed hair
(Coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, avocado oil, castor oil, caustic soda, purified water, geranium, rosewood, rose geranium, lavender, dried chamomile)

・For scalp care・・・recommended for dandruff/itchy scalp
(Coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, avocado oil, castor oil, caustic soda, purified water, geranium, sage, neroli, tea tree, patchouli, rosemary, dried sage)

・For hair loss and bad smell・・・Bamboo charcoal eliminates the smell. Also recommended for hair loss.
(Coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, caustic soda, purified water, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, sage, sandalwood, bamboo charcoal)

『Solid conditioner 2 types』
This conditioner is applied to wet hair after shampooing. Made with rich oil, it leads the hair to be moist and shiny.

・For normal hair
Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Castor Oil, Marjoram, Lavender
・For damaged hair
Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Castor Oil, Rose Geranium, Rosemary, Lotus

『Hair oil』
After shampooing, take just 2 pushes into the palm of your hand, blend it in and then apply it to the ends of the hair and blow dry with hair dryer. The hair feels moist even the next morning. If you use it on dry hair, please try with 1 push♪
You can apply the oil to your whole body too as there are only 100% natural ingredients in this hair oil, including infused oil extracted over a long period of time.

・Rose hair oil (Smooth 110ml)
・Lavender hair oil (Moisture 110ml)

〜How to use〜
Solid shampoo bars are different from liquid shampoos.
Lather the bar well in the foaming net first, then apply the lather to the scalp. Massage it well on the scalp for a few minutes and rinse well. Although the shampoo does not foam so much, you can feel the scalp clean and refreshed.
After that, especially if you have long hair or thin hair, gently brush your hair once with a rough brush and then apply a solid conditioner bar from the ends of your hair. Do not apply too much as the conditioner is very rich. After applying it to the ends of your hair, spread it over and rinse it off. Excess oil will go and only the necessary amount will remain on the hair.
Apply the hair oil after drying with a towel.
Take 2 pumps on the palm of your hand, apply it to the end of the hair first and then spread to the entire hair. Dry it with hair dryer and it’s done!

Those who have used liquid shampoos and conditioners until now may not be used to the squeaky feeling of solid shampoos and the texture of oils.
The scalp is also skin. Just like the face, it regenerates on its own and stops producing more oil than necessary. As you use the solid shampoo and conditioner several times, your scalp and hair will calm down.

Takashi退社のお知らせ/Takashi is leaving…

admin 未分類



退職後もお客様にご迷惑がかからぬよう、責任をもって他のスタイリストに引き継ぎを行って参りますので、どうか引き続きNoriko Matsushitaをご利用いただけましたら幸いです。


Mon 9:00-17:00
Tue 9:00-17:00
Wed 9:00-16:30
Thu 9:00-16:30
Fri 9:00-16:30
Sat 9:00-17:30



Thank you for your continued support.

We are very sad to let you know that stylist Takashi will be leaving our salon on October 8, 2022 after working for one year with us.
Although it was a short period, he has brought a breath of fresh air into our salon.

We would like to thank you for all your support given to him.
At the same time, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to the customers who have been with Takashi.
We will make sure all the service notes he made are shared with other stylists to hand over the work smoothly.

Due to his resignation, the business hours will be changed as follows.

【business hours】
Mon 9:00-17:00
Tue 9:00-17:00
Wed 9:00-16:30
Thu 9:00-16:30
Fri 9:00-16:30
Sat 9:00-17:30

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Noriko復帰のお知らせ/Noriko is back!

admin 未分類





ブリュッセル店は、Mayumi ・Asuka・Keiko の3名が基盤となり皆様をお迎えさせていただきます。どうぞ今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。

現在Norikomatsushita グループとしましては、本店のブリュッセル店の他に、スリランカのコロンボに会社がございます。それに加え日本では富山県と広島県に、福祉美容を備えたサロンを母の代から引き継ぐこととなり、現在経営に携わっております。また、静岡県の南伊豆と石川県の能登島にはリトリート施設を設け、ファスティングリトリートや健康やアートに関するイベントなどを、企画運営しております。


Cir ∞ Creation 無限なる創造の循環






・セミパーマネントメイクアップ アイブロウ
Semi-permanent makeup | Noriko Matsushita

Booking | Noriko Matsushita


Noriko Matsushita

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your continued support to our salon.
This is Noriko, the owner of Noriko Matsushita Hair Salon.

I am pleased to bring this wonderful news to you that I will be returning to Brussels for three months from September.
I have been working in Japan and Sri Lanka since the pandemic started and I am so excited to finally be able to come back to Brussels and see you all again.
At the same time, I apologize for any inconvenience caused during my absence.

The past few years have been a period of great change around the world that caused physical and mental hardships due to the coronavirus.
I myself also had big changes in life as I remarried and gave birth to a baby girl.
I am just so grateful to be able to meet you again in good health.

During the three months of my stay in Belgium, I will work on building an environment where I can work in all salons in Brussels, Japan, and Sri Lanka (currently closed due to the current severe situation over there).
As for the Brussels salon, Mayumi, Asuka, and Keiko will be the foundation to deliver better services to all of you.
I deeply appreciate your continued support and love given to them.

In addition to the main store in Brussels, Noriko Matsushita Group currently has a company in Colombo, Sri Lanka and I am involved in the management of beauty salons in Toyama and Hiroshima in Japan, which I inherited from my mother’s generation. Moreover, we have set up retreat facilities in Minami-izu in Shizuoka and Notojima in Ishikawa in Japan to organize fasting retreats and events related to health and art.

The common philosophy of all our salons is

Cir ∞ Creation – An infinite cycle of creation
“Beauty x Health x Art”

With this in mind, we are aiming to become a new type of beauty salon that envisions a future in which people and the environment circulate in harmony.

As part of this approach, I will bring in 100% organic hair oil, solid shampoo/conditioner, and all-purpose beeswax balm, all developed in-house. They will be available at the Brussels salon during these three month.
On top of that, we are also planning workshops to make items using herbs.
The details and schedule will be announced soon.
Please keep an eye and join us if you are interested.

Lastly, my availability and details for booking is as below.
Please kindly check it and email us for the inquiry if you would like to make an appointment with me.

・10-15:00 on Mon, Tue and Wednesday from 05/Sep to 16/Nov.
・10-15:00 on Saturday 10/Sep, 15,29/Oct and 12/Nov
※Not available on 12,26,27,28/Sep, and 3,4/Oct and national holidays

・Hair (the price of haircut will be the director stylist price.)
・Semi-permanent makeup eye brows
・Bridal and Kimono dressing
※Please make sure to mention to book with Noriko when booking your appointment otherwise it will be booked with other stylist.
※Semi-permanent makeup requires two visits(3 for those with poor color retention). Please make 2 appointments for both visits when booking for semi-permanent makeup (First visit by 15/Oct).
Semi-permanent makeup | Noriko Matsushita
※I will be available on other dates than above if it is bridal or Kimono dressing. Please send us inquiry for more details.

Booking | Noriko Matsushita

I am looking forward to seeing you all.
Thank you very much.

Noriko Matsushita

まゆみ産休復帰と新営業時間のご案内/Mayumi will be back soon and new opening hours!

admin 未分類



Booking | Noriko Matsushita


Mon 9:00~17:00
Tue 9:00~19:00
Wed 9:00~20:00
Thu 9:00~20:00
Fri 9:00~20:00
Sat 8:30~16:30
Closed on sun/National holidays

今後ともNoriko Matsushitaをよろしくお願いいたします。

Thank you for your continuing support!

We are very excited to let you know that Mayumi will resume working as of April 19th after her maternity leave.
Please check the schedule below and make a booking!
Booking | Noriko Matsushita

Also, our opening hours will change as of April 18th as below;

Mon 9:00~17:00
Tue 9:00~19:00
Wed 9:00~20:00
Thu 9:00~20:00
Fri 9:00~20:00
Sat 8:30~16:30
Closed on sun/National holidays

Thank you!

スタイリスト Takashiのご紹介/New Stylist Takashi

admin 未分類




〇Opening hours
Mon 9:00-16:30
Tue 9:00-19:00
Wed 11:00-19:00
Thu 9:00-19:00
Fri 9:00-20:00
Sat 9:00-16:30
Closed on Sun, national holidays




今後とも、NORIKO MATSUSHITAをよろしくお願いいたします。

Thank you for your continuing support.

We are very excited to introduce to you all, our new hairstylist Takashi!
He will be joining our team from December 11th.

Takashi is a male hairstylist with over 15 year of experience all over the world. After working in Tokyo, he moved to the US and worked at Japanese/local hair salons in New York. He also worked for various photo shootings and NY/Paris/Milan Fashion Week.

With his experience, Takashi will help you find the hair style best suited to your life style!

To book with Takashi, please check his availability in the link below and email us.

〇About Takashi


Our opening hours will be changed as follows from January 2022.

〇Opening hours
Mon 9:00-16:30
Tue 9:00-19:00
Wed 11:00-19:00
Thu 9:00-19:00
Fri 9:00-20:00
Sat 9:00-16:30
Closed on Sun, national holidays

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Mayumi12月の出勤/Mayumi in December

admin 未分類




Hello customers,

As we have already announced you of the maternity leave of Mayumi,  she is going to be absent from December. However, she decided to work until December 9th.  Availability is limited, but please feel free to change your appointment or making a new one if you would like to.

See you in the salon!

Big smiles,

Team Noriko Matsushita


ベルギー店5周年のご挨拶/Happy 5-year anniversary!

admin 未分類



スタッフは、開業当時Yukiko さんと2人でスタートし、その1年後にはMayumiとKeikoが仲間入りしました。現在は、Yukikoさんが独立し、AsukaとAyakaが参加。年末には、Takashi が加わります。仲間には感謝しきれません。家族の様に共に成長し助け合える関係で、これからも、心地よい会社であれたらなと感じています。
NorikoMatsushita グループといたしまして、日本、スリランカ共に
Cir♾Creation 無限なる創造の循環


松下 典子

Happy 5-year anniversary!

It has been five years since I opened my salon in Belgium on November 3rd.
I could not have this happen without your support.
I sincerely thank you all for being wonderful customers!!

As I write this massage, all those things that happened in the past to have this salon come up in my mind.
Our company was established in May 2016.
Back then, I just had my son and I was working for a salon.
I remember thinking I was not sure if someone like me who did not know anything about it and even could not speak French could establish a company in Brussels.
At first, my application was transferred to various offices and things did not go as well as I hoped.
However, with great helps from other Japanese business owners in Belgium, I could finally get my papers accepted.
After a few months, my company was established.

In August 2016, I found a nice property on the way to work, which became our current salon.
Since the opening, I really love its location, close to the EU commissions and very international. Thanks to this location, our customers are also very international as well, which I love!
I appreciate very much that you chose our salon as your hairdresser!

As for the staff, I started our salon with Yukiko who is now a business owner of her own salon. Then, Mayumi and Keiko joined after 1 year. Right now, we have Asuka and Ayaka joined us this year and Takashi will join at the end of this year. I cannot thank enough for all my staff for their hard work!

As NorikoMatsushita group (Belgium, Sri Lanka and Japan), we will continue offering information based on [Beauty✖️Health✖️Art].
Also, as in our concept,
[Cir♾Creation] The loop of creation circulates eternally.
Not only being a hair salon, we would also like to focus on developing products that are sustainable, recyclable and that are kind to hair, skin and even to the earth!
I cannot wait to offer you the exciting information!

We will do our best to be even a better salon for you all!!
Again, thank you very much for your support and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
