味噌仕込みの会、醸す台所・発酵料理の会ワークショップ/Handmade Miso・Cook with wild fermentation workshops(For English, please scroll down.)

☆3月8日 味噌仕込みの会
☆3月9日 醸す台所・発酵料理の会
サイズ:大(3.8L)、中(900ml)、小(塩がめ 500ml)

3月8日 12 :00-15 :00
Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 二階
70€ /1日
3月9日 11 :00-14 :00
Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 二階
100€ /1日
Marika Groen
Malica ferments 主催 | 麴研究家 | 移動する発酵 | カメラマン | 菌と人のコネクティングハブ |
アムステルダムをベースに欧州と日本を中心に『麴学 -Kojiology-』を実用的な学問、哲学として糀・味噌・醤油などの発酵教室を開催し、暮らしの中の発酵、発酵する生き方を伝える。年に一度は日本の蔵見学、里山ツアーなどを企画。日本帰国時には蔵見学、伝統、発酵、アートをテーマに全国を移動し、落とし込んだ情報を欧州に持ち帰り伝達と浸透につとめる。カメラマンとして素敵な人、モノ、場所を撮影。
We are having workshops with a special instructor, Ms. Marika Groen.

☆March 8th Handmade Miso workshop
☆March 9th Cook with wild fermentation Workshop
There will be a discount on the fee if you sign up for both workshops (*^_^*)
Please check following for more details;
/////Handmade Miso/////
Miso, is one of the traditional fermented food from Japan.
Do you know why we make Miso?
Do you know how Koji is made, and what it can do?
We will teach you everything you need to know about the process of making this wonderful life saving fermented soybeans.
Before making Miso, Marika will talk about how Miso is made, what types of Miso are available in Japan. You will also taste many different kinds of Miso.
After the lecture, you will have a hands-on experience making Miso.
You will go home with all the info and your jar of Miso, and if you pre-ordered, fresh Koji that Malica ferments made.
Finally, we wrap up with delicious Omusibi and Miso soup on the round table 🙂
As for the jar to store Miso, we have Tokoname ceramic jars from Tokoname, Japan.
If you purchase the medium size, you can prepare your Miso in it and take it home with you after the workshop!
Please let us know in advance when booking, if you would like to purchase it as the stock is limited!
<Tokoname Jar>
Size:Large(3.8L)、Medium(900ml)、Small(Salt urn 500ml)

<Date and time>
March 8th 12 :00-15 :00
Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 1st floor
<Fee(Includ. ingredients)>
70€ /1 day
⚠If you purchase a Jar, the total will be 70€+Jar price.
⚠Please choose Soybean Miso (5 person) or Chickpea Miso (5 persons) when booking.
⚠You can take Miso back home with you.
<Things to bring>
・Pen and notebook
・An apron
・a potato masher (stamper)
・a cleaned and dried 1000 ml container with a wide top to bring miso home. Do not bring a bottle as the top is too narrow.
/////Cooking with wild fermentation/////
In this workshop, you will learn a magical technique to turn ordinary ingredients into delicious and nourishing food.
All the forefront menu at to
pnotch restaurants flow from the traditional fermentation and preservation practices in a home kitchen.
Let’s begin with basics and find your favourite.
Together we prepare a variety of dishes using the fermented food and condiments. Once you get used to it, your cooking becomes simple and fun. On top of that, it’s healthy!
The class starts with a short lecture about wild fermentation, and in the second part we cook and eat on the round table together.
<Date and time>
March 9th 11 :00-14 :00
Rue Des francs 45,1040 Etterbeek Belgium
Salon Noriko Matsushita 1st floor
<Fee(Includ. ingredients)>
100€ /1 day
・Pen and notebook
・An apron
★If you participate in both workshops, 10€ DISCOUNT!
★Please sign you up and pay full amount for the workshop by February 29th.
★Each workshop is for 10 persons. The application will be closed when participants reaches to 10 people.
★No reimbursement will be made with cancellations after February 22nd.
Please contact us to sign up↓
<Instructor profile>
Marika Groen (Malica ferments)
The travelling mystagogue of Japanese classic ferments, also a writer/a
photographer/a lazy cook. Periodically hosting an intensive Koji class as well as workshops to make Miso, Doburoku, Natto, and other fermented food and drinks. Her main class is called Kojiology that she teaches how to make Koji from all dimentions in 3 days.
Now organizes fermentation tours and camps in Japan and disseminates its culture in Europe.
Loves wild-crafting and home brewing.